After a very long period since I have shared my adventures during the previous year, my experiences, my recipes, and my workshops, I am truly glad and happy to express my feeling of gratitude to what life has brought me, a year ago till today. (More to share in upcoming posts)
I am very glad to invite you to join us to self-discovery trip in Costa Rica

A choice between 1 or 2 weeks in Costa Rica, how amazing is that!
Are you looking for a fun experience, personal discovery and insights to guide you to an authentic life transformation?
Do you have a busy lifestyle and little time to take care of you?
Join us! Meet inspiring people, get some spiritual guidance, nutritional wisdom, relax and in-joy a full week of self-discovery through yoga, kinesiology, nutritional vegan food, nature walks and beach :)
Your hosts:
February 2016, 13th to the 20th
Viktoras Kulvinskas, who is called the “Godfather of vegan, raw, living foods" and the co-founder of Hippocrates Health Institute.
Check out his website and see his gorgeous venue where the retreat will be taking place:
Bhaskar Goswami, senior yoga and meditation teacher, founder of BODHI & daana, will be guiding us through the yoga sessions, meditations, nature walks and dialogue circles.
February 20th to the 27th
Sharon Cohen, highly experienced Naturopath, dedicated to integral wellness, will be guiding the second week with the presence of both Viktoras and Bhaskar.
The choice of 1 or 2 weeks are available
An Adventure through an enlightening process of self-discovery and fulfillment. This week is designed to remind you of what you were born to do, while reconnecting with the true essence of life. A beautiful environment to explore the joy of a life fully realized and how to "Master your life, design your path, love yourself & follow your bliss”. Meditate with the sounds of the ocean, flow with yoga, engage in uplifting conversations, enjoy delicious meals, relax on the beach, dance, swim and surf!Join us for a week or 2 full of fun in the Costa Rican sun!
Take the opportunity to retreat from the busyness of your life and reconnect with the beauty within and around!February 13 -20 & 20 -27, 2016 Montezuma, Costa Rica
You can join us from where ever you are- you can either buy your own plane ticket or we can connect you with our travel agent.
Limited number of 20 people
Hotel: The Three Monkeys in Montezuma Costa Rica15 min walk to to the beach
non-refundable registration fee of
$395 USD or $580 CAD
or through Paypal or e-transfer to: sharon.cohen(at) and info(at)
I am very glad to invite you to join us to self-discovery trip in Costa Rica

A choice between 1 or 2 weeks in Costa Rica, how amazing is that!
Are you looking for a fun experience, personal discovery and insights to guide you to an authentic life transformation?
Do you have a busy lifestyle and little time to take care of you?
Join us! Meet inspiring people, get some spiritual guidance, nutritional wisdom, relax and in-joy a full week of self-discovery through yoga, kinesiology, nutritional vegan food, nature walks and beach :)
Your hosts:
February 2016, 13th to the 20th
Viktoras Kulvinskas, who is called the “Godfather of vegan, raw, living foods" and the co-founder of Hippocrates Health Institute.
Check out his website and see his gorgeous venue where the retreat will be taking place:
Bhaskar Goswami, senior yoga and meditation teacher, founder of BODHI & daana, will be guiding us through the yoga sessions, meditations, nature walks and dialogue circles.
February 20th to the 27th
Sharon Cohen, highly experienced Naturopath, dedicated to integral wellness, will be guiding the second week with the presence of both Viktoras and Bhaskar.
The choice of 1 or 2 weeks are available
An Adventure through an enlightening process of self-discovery and fulfillment. This week is designed to remind you of what you were born to do, while reconnecting with the true essence of life. A beautiful environment to explore the joy of a life fully realized and how to "Master your life, design your path, love yourself & follow your bliss”. Meditate with the sounds of the ocean, flow with yoga, engage in uplifting conversations, enjoy delicious meals, relax on the beach, dance, swim and surf!Join us for a week or 2 full of fun in the Costa Rican sun!
Take the opportunity to retreat from the busyness of your life and reconnect with the beauty within and around!February 13 -20 & 20 -27, 2016 Montezuma, Costa Rica
You can join us from where ever you are- you can either buy your own plane ticket or we can connect you with our travel agent.
Limited number of 20 people
Hotel: The Three Monkeys in Montezuma Costa Rica15 min walk to to the beach
What to look forward to…
Morning and evening yoga classes
Daily lectures on optimal lifestyles, the science of the body, self-healing and regeneration, PLUS learning healing potentials of delicious raw and vegan foods.
Throughout the day you will enjoy beautiful beach walks and scenic waterfall swimming.
Price: $1500 USD or $2200 CAD/week – Double occupancy
Early Bird:$1375 USD or $2000* CAD/week before December 24
* price doesn’t include Airfare and transportation on the island, Insurance,
Tips & Personal expenses
Daily lectures on optimal lifestyles, the science of the body, self-healing and regeneration, PLUS learning healing potentials of delicious raw and vegan foods.
Throughout the day you will enjoy beautiful beach walks and scenic waterfall swimming.
Price: $1500 USD or $2200 CAD/week – Double occupancy
Early Bird:$1375 USD or $2000* CAD/week before December 24
* price doesn’t include Airfare and transportation on the island, Insurance,
Tips & Personal expenses
(includes lodging and meals, yoga/meditation, belly and fire dancing, live music,
optimal self care and transformational classes daily)
Reserve your spot by payingnon-refundable registration fee of
$395 USD or $580 CAD
or through Paypal or e-transfer to: sharon.cohen(at) and info(at)
6am- Wake Up - Personal Hygiene, Tea, wheatgrass elixir and green juice cocktail
7am- Yoga
8:30- Breakfast
9am- Lecture 90 minutes (All lectures info will be posted shortly)
11am- Food Prep Demo - special pointers
12 noon- Lunch
1-2:30pm- Energy work, reflexology, hands on healing
2:30-4:30- Free time - (beach, waterfall, zip-lines etc)
5-6pm yoga
6:30- Food prep...20 minutes
7pm- Dinner
8-9pm- Sat-sang Q & A
Quiet by 9:30 smile emoticon
9am- Lecture 90 minutes (All lectures info will be posted shortly)
11am- Food Prep Demo - special pointers
12 noon- Lunch
1-2:30pm- Energy work, reflexology, hands on healing
2:30-4:30- Free time - (beach, waterfall, zip-lines etc)
5-6pm yoga
6:30- Food prep...20 minutes
7pm- Dinner
8-9pm- Sat-sang Q & A
Quiet by 9:30 smile emoticon
Day 1
orientation - The value of low temperature cooking.
Impact on proteins and fats by the different temperatures.
Relationship between protein degradation, oxygen level , energy,
degenerative diseases as well as longevity vs accelerated aging.
Holistic Lifestyle Habits & how to cultivate them.
How to eat for Longevity...
discussion on how to build energy, transition through and into a whole food,
plant based diet
Day 2 -
Youthing markers, homeostasis, oxygen, pH, enzymes, temperature, hydration
and consciousness, full spectrum minerals
Reflexology, Kinesiology, Huggassage and Acupressure
Day 3 -
How to grow enzymes at home and why. Enzyme research & supplements.
Kinesiology & testing your supplements
Theories on sleep, How to improve your sleep & dream patterns
Day 4 -
Sprouting - indoor gardening with & without soil simplified, Fermentation
The mysteries of menstruation and menopause, multiple orgasms, libido
Day 5 -
Dehydration, food combining, supplementsEvening
Massage & Energy Work
Day 6 -
Creating recipes with protein, starches and fat....basic design
The Electrical Body
Day 7 -
enzymology and it's impact on digestion, immune function & metabolism
Getting it all together to TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU !!
discussion on how to build energy, transition through and into a whole food,
plant based diet
Day 2 -
Youthing markers, homeostasis, oxygen, pH, enzymes, temperature, hydration
and consciousness, full spectrum minerals
Reflexology, Kinesiology, Huggassage and Acupressure
Day 3 -
How to grow enzymes at home and why. Enzyme research & supplements.
Kinesiology & testing your supplements
Theories on sleep, How to improve your sleep & dream patterns
Day 4 -
Sprouting - indoor gardening with & without soil simplified, Fermentation
The mysteries of menstruation and menopause, multiple orgasms, libido
Day 5 -
Dehydration, food combining, supplementsEvening
Massage & Energy Work
Day 6 -
Creating recipes with protein, starches and fat....basic design
The Electrical Body
Day 7 -
enzymology and it's impact on digestion, immune function & metabolism
Getting it all together to TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU !!
Day 1 - Queen Quinoa Rainbow Cereal with crackers and Veggies
Day 2 - Fruit Salad with nut cream and Flax powder
Day 3 - Tantric Staff of Life Cereal with sprouted grain butter on flax
Day 4 - Fruit Salad with seed cheese
Day 5 - Buckwheat Granola with Almond Milk and dried fruit
Day 6 - Energy Soup with crackers and condiments
Day 7 - Spirulina Power Drink
every lunch will include -
Organic Salad - red leaf, romaine, tomato, cucumber,
red onion, basil, cilantro, arugula - bok choy etc etc
Side dishes - spiced shredded beets & carrots
Vik Kim Chi & Vikraut - Dehydrated crackers -
seed cheese - hot/spicy salsa - dulse
Day 1 - Protein Tahini salad dressing
Day 2 - Caravado (carrot juice, avocado w/ spices)
Day 3 - Red festivity dressing - (sunflower, lime, beet, ginger, sea salt)
Day 4 - Raw Hummus
Day 5 - Enzymatic Fermented Tofu Dressing
Day 6 - Raw cauliflower pate'
Day 7 - Miso Dressing
all dinners will include...
Similar to lunch...most of the vegetables...
Day 1 - Cooked Squash Soup & Raw Pizza
Day 2 - Guacamole, Avocado Green Energy Soup - dessert raw fruit pie
Day 3 - Veggie Burgers & Viketchup plus *mystery* dressing
Day 4 - Bean Soup, Flax Crackers & Tahini Dressing - dessert Vik-eylime pie
Day 5 -Crock Pot Cooked Squash & Root Vegetables, Sea Veggie Salad -
Miso Red Pepper Dressing
Day 6 - Nori Spring Rolls, seaweed salad, Marinated ginger, tamari, wasabi sauce - chocolate mousse
Day 7 - Zucchini pasta w/ raw tomato sauce - dessert raw bliss balls
Day 3 - Tantric Staff of Life Cereal with sprouted grain butter on flax
Day 4 - Fruit Salad with seed cheese
Day 5 - Buckwheat Granola with Almond Milk and dried fruit
Day 6 - Energy Soup with crackers and condiments
Day 7 - Spirulina Power Drink
every lunch will include -
Organic Salad - red leaf, romaine, tomato, cucumber,
red onion, basil, cilantro, arugula - bok choy etc etc
Side dishes - spiced shredded beets & carrots
Vik Kim Chi & Vikraut - Dehydrated crackers -
seed cheese - hot/spicy salsa - dulse
Day 1 - Protein Tahini salad dressing
Day 2 - Caravado (carrot juice, avocado w/ spices)
Day 3 - Red festivity dressing - (sunflower, lime, beet, ginger, sea salt)
Day 4 - Raw Hummus
Day 5 - Enzymatic Fermented Tofu Dressing
Day 6 - Raw cauliflower pate'
Day 7 - Miso Dressing
all dinners will include...
Similar to lunch...most of the vegetables...
Day 1 - Cooked Squash Soup & Raw Pizza
Day 2 - Guacamole, Avocado Green Energy Soup - dessert raw fruit pie
Day 3 - Veggie Burgers & Viketchup plus *mystery* dressing
Day 4 - Bean Soup, Flax Crackers & Tahini Dressing - dessert Vik-eylime pie
Day 5 -Crock Pot Cooked Squash & Root Vegetables, Sea Veggie Salad -
Miso Red Pepper Dressing
Day 6 - Nori Spring Rolls, seaweed salad, Marinated ginger, tamari, wasabi sauce - chocolate mousse
Day 7 - Zucchini pasta w/ raw tomato sauce - dessert raw bliss balls
Who is Viktoras Kulvinskas?
Viktoras is a Lithuanian World War II survivor who retired from teaching College Mathematics & Computer Systems, as well as a business consultant with the likes of the Apollo Mission, M.I.T., Smithsonian and Harvard at 29, to pursue holistic lifestyles. During the last 40 years, he pioneered the co-founding with Ann Wigmore (Lithuanian-born) of the Hippocrates Health Institute where he acted as Director of Research for the next 5 years. Viktoras developed the Hippocrates Live Food program that has helped millions around the world regain their health through living holistic lifestyles. He published the best seller (Over ½ million in print), first wholistic lifestyle manual
Viktoras is a Lithuanian World War II survivor who retired from teaching College Mathematics & Computer Systems, as well as a business consultant with the likes of the Apollo Mission, M.I.T., Smithsonian and Harvard at 29, to pursue holistic lifestyles. During the last 40 years, he pioneered the co-founding with Ann Wigmore (Lithuanian-born) of the Hippocrates Health Institute where he acted as Director of Research for the next 5 years. Viktoras developed the Hippocrates Live Food program that has helped millions around the world regain their health through living holistic lifestyles. He published the best seller (Over ½ million in print), first wholistic lifestyle manual
book documents from science with anecdotal clients, the successful
treatment of cancer, leukemia, obesity, arthritis, diabetes,
menstruation, colds, pain and more. He co-authored the enzymology bible
with Dr. Howell MD. (Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity); Viktoras
was the nutritional director of the DICK GREGORY OBESITY AND ADDICTION
CENTER in Bahamas and Ft. Walton Beach, FL.He has developed over 60
super food Supplements. Authored 8 other books as well and has appeared
in hundreds of articles. Lectured world-wide over 30,000 hours reaching
millions. He is the discoverer of the now popular 7-day instant salad
sunflower and buckwheat greens as well as Seed & Nut Cheeses.
Ongoing research in soil-less indoor gardening, probiotic kitchen
cuisine and an Essene Biogenic Low Cost diet. Viktoras continues to
lecture, teach and give consultations worldwide as well as offer
retreats in Montezuma, Costa Rica where he resides most of the year!about
Questioning what are the benefits of this special mini self-vacation?
Wondering what will be the spiritual, emotional and physical gain from this oneness experience!
Here are some of the exciting events that you will take home as an experience to be applied to your life.!about
Questioning what are the benefits of this special mini self-vacation?
Wondering what will be the spiritual, emotional and physical gain from this oneness experience!
Here are some of the exciting events that you will take home as an experience to be applied to your life.
Topics covered are Fueled by Unconditional Love
The Viktoras Secret science of youthing
Kinesiology for Total Knowledge
Prayers, Meditation, Vision and Miraculous Life...
Sustainability...strategies for building communities
and why. Surviving the next 4 years.
What will be happening in the next decade and how to always be on the side of creating a future of survival, abundance and thriving.
The most important supplements and how to use them to keep yourself healthy in a super toxic world
What are important devices to protect oneself against, EMF's, radiation, Wifi
Water and air purification.
Healing Touch, Hugassage and Quantum Genetics, Breatharianism, Sun-gazing and Yoga and Qi-gong Techniques...
The Human Energy Matrix-10 minute self rejuvenation by way of
spinal adjustments, chakra adjusting, reflexology
Enzymology, Re-Alkalizing, Re-Oxygenating and Re-Mineralizing...
Unlimited Potential
Soul Travel, Eternal Now and Blissology...remote viewing...learn to
travel astrally through time and space.
Divine Self-Realization
Tantric Chakra Harp, Cosmic Enlightenment and
Manifesting Abundance...
Essene tradition and The Vedas in the New Millennium !!
We will cover the Science of Physical Immortality... as well
as how the body adapts to stress by way of degenerative diseases...
and how to overcome it.
Learn about: The Treasures of Fasting, Detoxing and Rebuilding your Astral Body...
Simplified sprouting/growing indoor or outdoor 7 day greens with soil...
and Sea Salt based wheatgrass/microgreens gardening without soil
and Super Sprout Salad Production...
Divine Nutrition simplified for: Energy, Libido, Beauty and Intelligence...
Fermentation: preparation of the most basic and important recipes that
revolutionized the culinary industry. namely probiotics, (vikimchi, vikraut)...
as well as the predigested protein and whey from seeds and nuts...pioneered by Viktoras
Food preparation and dehydrates...low temp oven, vikveggieburgers and other delightful dishes which will be demonstrated.
Learn practical safe transition into healthier lifestyles based on your level of consciousness.
The power of being horizontal
Experience the beauty of waterfall massages and immersion in nature and wildlife
The Viktoras Secret science of youthing
Kinesiology for Total Knowledge
Prayers, Meditation, Vision and Miraculous Life...
Sustainability...strategies for building communities
and why. Surviving the next 4 years.
What will be happening in the next decade and how to always be on the side of creating a future of survival, abundance and thriving.
The most important supplements and how to use them to keep yourself healthy in a super toxic world
What are important devices to protect oneself against, EMF's, radiation, Wifi
Water and air purification.
Healing Touch, Hugassage and Quantum Genetics, Breatharianism, Sun-gazing and Yoga and Qi-gong Techniques...
The Human Energy Matrix-10 minute self rejuvenation by way of
spinal adjustments, chakra adjusting, reflexology
Enzymology, Re-Alkalizing, Re-Oxygenating and Re-Mineralizing...
Unlimited Potential
Soul Travel, Eternal Now and Blissology...remote viewing...learn to
travel astrally through time and space.
Divine Self-Realization
Tantric Chakra Harp, Cosmic Enlightenment and
Manifesting Abundance...
Essene tradition and The Vedas in the New Millennium !!
We will cover the Science of Physical Immortality... as well
as how the body adapts to stress by way of degenerative diseases...
and how to overcome it.
Learn about: The Treasures of Fasting, Detoxing and Rebuilding your Astral Body...
Simplified sprouting/growing indoor or outdoor 7 day greens with soil...
and Sea Salt based wheatgrass/microgreens gardening without soil
and Super Sprout Salad Production...
Divine Nutrition simplified for: Energy, Libido, Beauty and Intelligence...
Fermentation: preparation of the most basic and important recipes that
revolutionized the culinary industry. namely probiotics, (vikimchi, vikraut)...
as well as the predigested protein and whey from seeds and nuts...pioneered by Viktoras
Food preparation and dehydrates...low temp oven, vikveggieburgers and other delightful dishes which will be demonstrated.
Learn practical safe transition into healthier lifestyles based on your level of consciousness.
The power of being horizontal
Experience the beauty of waterfall massages and immersion in nature and wildlife
I am so much looking forward to having you with us!
Happy Holidays - remember, this is the best gift you give yourself for a new year!
La Reina
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