The month of December has been quite interesting, a week traveled to see the family, reconnect with my self, my roots, and spend time with my soul.
One day, being at home with nothing much on my mind, I decided to draw something on my wall.
I was guided by my imagination, my spirit and my thoughts.
The drawing is a spiritual message, which I believe in, for myself, and you!
This is for all the upcoming fantastic years!
I Am grateful for a lifetime of true love, a powerful marriage grown
purely through respect, honesty & trust within my family.
Creations sparkling with synchronicity, building a home, attracting the energy of money and appreciating all in peace.
A life of love, green environment, beautiful nature, clean oceans, happiness, positivity and travel discoveries!
Cheers to a lifetime of love, beliefs and gratitude
This is my book of life!
Happy all coming years, 2016 onward!
RH - December 30, 2015
Another message that I have sent for December - mainly on all the social media out there and emails:
Divine Embrace to Create & Enrich Magnificent Beliefs Everywhere u R is what December is all about.
Celebrating Christmas and New Year happen in so many ways, joined with
the Eid Mawlid-an-Nabawi-al-Charif & Hanukah, more Miracles happen
when we start believing in the good, the better and the best.
What's for the Good is that Life has been given to us for granted, earth has been given to us for granted.
God created all this for us to love, cherish, connect and appreciate every part of it-
Breathing is a gift, Better to create the right environment for it.
Being alive is a gift, Best is to keep feeding it spiritually, organically and positively.
My wish to myself, yourselves and every being, is to reconnect within,
see the beauty inside and radiate to the outside- for the world to
change positively, it starts within.
Happy transformational years to all of you!
Happy Hanukah, Eid Mawlid-an-Nabawi-al-Charif the Birth of the Prophet Mohammad, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016!
RH - December 24, 2015
I would like to cheer to a transformational life, be guided by your spirit, your positivity and your love.
From my Heart to Your Heart.
La Reina
La Reina |
From my Heart to Your Heart |