As I fall in the silence of the moment, I dive deep towards the at-one-ment
Feeling the aliveness of this moment, draws a smile through this attunement
It is in the now that I can hear the heart beats
& send my gratitude to say thank you for a hilarious year heat
Just 4 days to welcome the new, beginning,
Ready for what ever is rising in, my being
Trust, Love, Faith & Growth
Is all what we have, to dive in this approach
Cheers to what is NOW
RH - December 28, 2020
عندما سألت ‘هو’: ماذا تراني افعل لأساعد الناس لتطمئن قلوبهم،
فجاوبني؛ اعتني بنفَسِك
و زاد قائلا: لقد حاولت إرضاء و الاعتناء بكل ابنائي، لتطمئن القلوب و الأنفاس، لكن القليلون كانوا حاضرين، اما الاخرون، طريقهم طويلة قبل الوصول
فجلست ساكنً و حمدت 'هو'
- روح حرّة December 27, 2020
"Peace will come upon you, when you become Peace
Love will come upon you, when you become Love
Harmony will come upon you, when you become in harmony with yourself
Forginess will come upon you, when you find the ways to forgive yourself and others
The World will be in Peace when you find peace in your Heart
RH - September 11,2020"

May your HEART be filled with PEACE
& your BODY wrapped with EASE,
May HEALTH visit you this YEAR,
& your Shiny SPIRIT surround your SPHERE
So when the DAY we finally MEET
We can EMBRACE without fear
May LOVE & FAMILY always fill your
RH - December 24, 2020
Happy Holidays my dearest family & friends
In the midst of the night, half posing across like a wild knight, managed to shine, even with your shy little light & project your brightness above us all, tonight.
Oh moon, always far & near, in our heart you will always be here.
RH - Dec 23-2020
Dwell in every moment & Awaken your soul within
So you always Express Fully, your inner Truth
RH - Dec 13-2020
So you always Express Fully, your inner Truth
RH - Dec 13-2020
"فأنا، من أنا؟
فأنا لست بمسلمٍ و لا مسيحيّ، لا يهوديّ و لا بوذي، و لا ديانةً تعرِّفُ بي، فقد سَكَنتْ روحي هذا الجسد،
و استفاقتْ أنفَاسي من هذا الوَرَدْ و تعلمتْ قِرَّتي بما اعطاني اياه،
الكريم، المحب، الغفور ، الرحوم و الحَيّ
فأصبحتُ إنسان الحياة
و وجَدَتُ رحمة العطاء في بِحَارِهِ و بذور محبته و خدمته في طبيعته
فإعْتَنَقتُ السَلام ْ
فليحيا في قلوبكم كما أُحْيِّيَا في قلبي
روحّ حرّة RH Dec -7-2020
"أنا، فمن أنا و ما الأنا"
"خلقتكم من روحي و زرعت حباَّ في أنفاسِكم،
أبدّلتم و أحببتم أنفُسَكم
أعطيتكم من خيِّرات الدنيا،
أدمّرتم كل معطيات الخير في الدنيا
سقيتكم من مياه الحياة و لا خيّرْت من يسقى
فقسَّمتم المياه للأرباح
نسيتم انكم ابنائي و لا أُفرِّق بتاتا
أتفرّقتم و أعطيتم لنفسِكم مقاما "
روحّ حرّة - رح Dec-7- 2020
The trip beyond the horizon is keeping me awake... so I listen, I write & I share ... what he is inspiring me with
ما ألهمتُ به
"في العشق،
الأعمى يرى
الأخرس ينطق
الأصم يسمع
المُقعد يقف
الكل يسجد في حبه"
روحّ حرّة - رح Dec 7-2020
"خلقتُ لكَ المياهَ لتعكُس نوري فيها،
فنظرتَ الى المياهِ فلم تجد نوري فيها،
فلتأخذْ من هذه المياهِ، و لتسقي نفسك فيها،
فلعلها تنجلي في اعماقك، فتحلى بنوري فيها "
روحّ حرّة - رح Dec 7-2020
"أعطيتكَ الكمال، فأهملتَ هو
أخذتُ النِصف، ففقدتَ هو
فماذا تراني أفعل، لتلقى هو"
روحّ حرّة - رح Dec 7-2020
أخذتُ النِصف، ففقدتَ هو
فماذا تراني أفعل، لتلقى هو"
روحّ حرّة - رح Dec 7-2020
“It is never about how many followers we have, it’s about how many
seeds we plant.
To freely harvest ABUNDANT LOVE“
RH- Dec 7-2020
I Am grateful for a lifetime of true love, a powerful marriage grown purely through respect, honesty & trust within my family.
Creations sparkling with synchronicity, building a home, attracting the energy of money and appreciating all in peace.
A life of love, green environment, beautiful nature, clean oceans, happiness, positivity and travel discoveries!
Cheers to a lifetime of love, beliefs and gratitude
This is my book of life!
Happy all coming years, 2016 onward!
RH - December 30, 2015
Divine Embrace to Create & Enrich Magnificent Beliefs Everywhere u R is what December is all about.
Celebrating Christmas and New Year happen in so many ways, joined with the Eid Mawlid-an-Nabawi-al-Charif & Hanukah, more Miracles happen when we start believing in the good, the better and the best.
What's for the Good is that Life has been given to us for granted, earth has been given to us for granted.
God created all this for us to love, cherish, connect and appreciate every part of it-
Breathing is a gift, Better to create the right environment for it.
Being alive is a gift, Best is to keep feeding it spiritually, organically and positively.
My wish to myself, yourselves and every being, is to reconnect within, see the beauty inside and radiate to the outside- for the world to change positively, it starts within.
Happy transformational years to all of you!
Happy Hanukah, Eid Mawlid-an-Nabawi-al-Charif the Birth of the Prophet Mohammad, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016!
RH - December 24, 2015
The power of being, ask neutrally and you shall receive magnificently - RH October 27, 2015
Create, lead & blossom always starts from within by following your inner intuition.
Live in your own presence and listen, your magic is already shining & reaching around - RH 29-09-2015
Being truthful empowers your being, always take the lead in speaking your voice, your honesty, with no hesitation- you will be far more respected -
RH September 16, 2015
We are abundance, we are love, we are a magnificent creation, we are a bond - a radiating magnet attracting the beautiful powers around you to raw create - it is within- all you need is listen.
RH June 23, 2015
Magical moments happen - we create our desires, our path, and our way of being - just Be - Always Present - the magnet of reception for all the Positivity - Love - and Harmony around you!RH
June 17, 2015
My Body, Spirit and Mind are all Aligned - RH
April 29-2015
Believe in yourself to achieve the ultimate truth of you - create your world with your thoughts, confidence and positivity. You are exactly what you should be in this lifetime! RH
April, 20, 2015
Master your own life, design your own path, & love yourself - you are the creator, God is within you-RH
April 17, 2015
We always say: "You never know when the time is right but in reality, it is always the right time" RH -
April 1, 2015
The truth about you, and the soul you are, grow magically by being in the moment and living in its flow. Stay open for discoveries within you as you will be amazed of who you truly are. RH
February 17, 2015
Magic, is my description for life.
Sparkling, is is how I see life.
Courageous, is how I want to live my life! RH
January 18, 2015
Embrace the power of universe, feel its beauty in your veins and its power all within. This lights up your heart, fills it with love and lifts you all the way to heaven - Be fearless, trustful and confident, always- RH
January 18, 2015
I live in Harmony, Peace and Love from within, I'm so grateful! - RH
January 15 - 2015
Never count your days as they are too many, live in its moments as they are priceless - RH
December 31-2014
Life is a present, the collection of your desires and beliefs. It is both, the gift and the now moment.

To freely harvest ABUNDANT LOVE“
RH- Dec 7-2020
I went on a soul trip & back
“When the Divine owns your soul, don’t be afraid to loose your body ...
Loose your ‘self’ & ‘awake’ in your spirit”
RH - Décembre 7-2020
“When the Divine owns your soul, don’t be afraid to loose your body ...
Loose your ‘self’ & ‘awake’ in your spirit”
RH - Décembre 7-2020
Path of Truth - طريق الحق
The path is a journey into being
An adventurous life with so many mysteries & magic, from a beginning to an end...
When your soul walks the path of truth, your body flies, lives, & falls, in Love
RH- December 6-2020
الطريق هي رحلة إلى الوجود
فالحياة مليئة بالمغامرات، من
الألغاز ... والسحر ... من البداية إلى النهاية ...
عندما تسير روحك في طريق الحقيقة ... جسدك يطير ويحيا ويغشى ... في الحب
روحٌّ حرّة - ر ح Dec 6-2020
كَرَمُ الكريمِ من ما كَرَّم به الكريمُ،
فالكَرَمُ من كَرم ِالجميعِ،
أكرِم نفَسَك من ما كرِّمتَ به، لتُكرِم لك الدنيا من ملذاتِ كَرَمِها -
فالكَرَمُ من كَرم ِالجميعِ،
أكرِم نفَسَك من ما كرِّمتَ به، لتُكرِم لك الدنيا من ملذاتِ كَرَمِها -
رح Dec-4-2020
We only know the depth of our soul when we bow in gratefulness to the magnifying power that created, it.
Look deeply into your eyes to touch a drop of its beauty
For when ever you feel lost or scared, always know, what deep in you is your saviour
Being blessed is to have awaken to witness a new decade to uncover
Being blessed is to wake up breathing life
Being blessed is knowing even in the days you feel lonely, you are never alone
Being blessed is to witness a shift and transformation in life where people are coming together in love & gratitude
Being blessed is simply thanking the life you have, and feeling it in depth of your heart
Being blessed is knowing that what you have is beyond material, it is your soul connection, & connection to every soul in your life & beyond.
Always Being blessed with the health & perseverance to simply live in humbleness and be present to serve
A simple full love gratitude to be, in this lifetime, still alive, breathing & healthy!
It only takes a Thank You!
01 01 20 20
RH- 01,01,2020
A touch of a heart, with a soul traveler, in simply a perfect body, is a divine creation.
Live your life, & enjoy the perfect world as it is to learn, grow, & shift things inside out, to see the clear perfection of it!
RH- 24-12-2019
We all pass through different moments every day, & the beauty of it, is that they are all our perfect teachers.
They come as a present, to shape us, to ground us, to elevate us & help us grow, whether it’s an emotional pain, vulnerability, loneliness, & weaknesses, and/or, an emotional gain, happiness, joyfulness & passion.
Embrace every moment, even when it is so hard to welcome, learn from it, let it vibrate in our cells, to awaken us, give us strengths, & remind us of our true selves.
Remember, there will always be a sign, a message or messengers which will come our way to guide us, open our heart, eyes & soul & bring us back to our aligned self.
Let the magic do its work through welcoming every moment in love & gratitude, & remember to always follow our intuitive side, as it always shows us the way to heaven.
RH- October 14, 2017
Enchanted by the beauty of nature, the touch of the water, and the smell of the trees, this wholeness scene immerse in my heart & yells out to the world I love you!
Love is the way for life to be...
Create the love everywhere you are, touch people's heart with your true self, your true kindness, & your real being... with it, everything lives in peace.
RH - September 17, 2017
Go with the wind, let life guide you, learn everyday, appreciate life, your being, & whom ever cross your path, as they always teach you something, & you do the same...
RH- August 18, 2017
When gratitude, faith & love touch your heart, your being, & your soul, every cell in your body feels it... you get shivers... & joyful blissful tears...
Be with it... embrace it... & live within
To love, gratitude & life!
RH- August 16, 2017
Seeing oneself liberated, in-depth, towards an ultimate eternity
RH June 4, 2017
Crossing the ocean is a very significant way to heal the emotion, going back to the roots emerge to be grounded, surrounded with childhood love, laughters, & support is a path to take & enforce the deep feelings for self.
RH - 28, July, 2017
Inspiration is my world, motivation is what I strive for, planting the seeds within you is what I'll teach you, believing in your powers is my way to serve you, living the magical life is what I thrive for, come along with me & I'll show you the way.
RH® July 26, 2017
Sailing, in the present moment on the rythme of love, powers to create wonders & magic.
Expectations found its way in & managed to drill holes allowing misery to come in.
The boat started sinking... it couldn't sail with expectations & misery, its only wind was flowing within the energy of love, moments and creations.
Our present is our gift, live in its abundance & allow the energy to flow within and through out ourselves
BE, Present, Evolve, Grow & Live in Gratitude -
RH July 18, 2017
Thy Soul is your true guide, your multiple senses to receive & perceive information.
Be in its awareness & listen, as it is your only key to your true self, & your true path.
Messengers, synchronicities and signs come your way in reality, dreams & other forms to confirm every information.
Be in its grace, its gratitude, & love it, as it oversees & protects you from what ever not serving you in this lifetime.
RH - 7-7-17
Feeling an absolute bliss of liberation, a content within my cells, my body & my spirit. My higher spirit & my guardian angels stood firm with me today, to close a beautiful chapter of my life into opening new beginnings of life's mysteries, adventures, love, freedom, travels, projects, money & more!
Feeling blessed, being taken care of by God, I'm grateful!
Cheers to life... it is an absolute beauty!
RH - June 23, 2017
Love, Compassion & Gratitude always elevate your soul, your mind & body. Embrace yourself with these magnificent energies to be always protected.
God sends you signs, messages and Angels to empower you, listen, observe, & let the light of love protect you.
RH - 16 June, 2017
God always remind us of our eternal sparkling energy which is embedded in our soul.
We always tap into it, and sometimes we snap out of it...
Be-ing reminded through synchronicities of events, people showing up, people leaving, group discussions, people from the past, people from the present, messages, signs, in one day, empower us confirming our mission in this lifetime.
Life, is a delicious meal, prepared with organic ingredients, wrapped with love, and sent to you from the universe.
Before you open to taste, make sure to read the label.
It contains:
Pure love, freedom of being, respect to self, self-love, self-appreciation, worthiness, lots of happiness, full of positive moments, incredible synchronicities, and a strong intuition.
My enthusiastic inner child is always alive as I'm embodied with happiness, ecstasy, orgasms, and aha moments.
Being & breathing, are creating my blissful world, I'm gratefully alive!
Part of my mission on the planet is manifesting multitude positive projects around the world which is leading to lots of travels and infinite discoveries!
Surrounded by my love, my family, my friends and the people that support, love, and follow the belief of a better positive today, Together we are the change!
Look deeply into your eyes to touch a drop of its beauty
For when ever you feel lost or scared, always know, what deep in you is your saviour
Trust this life that runs through your veins & flourish with its majestic love
RH- January 10, 2020
10 01 20 20
RH- January 10, 2020
10 01 20 20
Being blessed is to have awaken to witness a new decade to uncover
Being blessed is to wake up breathing life
Being blessed is knowing even in the days you feel lonely, you are never alone
Being blessed is to witness a shift and transformation in life where people are coming together in love & gratitude
Being blessed is simply thanking the life you have, and feeling it in depth of your heart
Being blessed is knowing that what you have is beyond material, it is your soul connection, & connection to every soul in your life & beyond.
Always Being blessed with the health & perseverance to simply live in humbleness and be present to serve
A simple full love gratitude to be, in this lifetime, still alive, breathing & healthy!
It only takes a Thank You!
01 01 20 20
RH- 01,01,2020
A touch of a heart, with a soul traveler, in simply a perfect body, is a divine creation.
Live your life, & enjoy the perfect world as it is to learn, grow, & shift things inside out, to see the clear perfection of it!
RH- 24-12-2019
We all pass through different moments every day, & the beauty of it, is that they are all our perfect teachers.
They come as a present, to shape us, to ground us, to elevate us & help us grow, whether it’s an emotional pain, vulnerability, loneliness, & weaknesses, and/or, an emotional gain, happiness, joyfulness & passion.
Embrace every moment, even when it is so hard to welcome, learn from it, let it vibrate in our cells, to awaken us, give us strengths, & remind us of our true selves.
Remember, there will always be a sign, a message or messengers which will come our way to guide us, open our heart, eyes & soul & bring us back to our aligned self.
Let the magic do its work through welcoming every moment in love & gratitude, & remember to always follow our intuitive side, as it always shows us the way to heaven.
RH- October 14, 2017
Enchanted by the beauty of nature, the touch of the water, and the smell of the trees, this wholeness scene immerse in my heart & yells out to the world I love you!
Love is the way for life to be...
Create the love everywhere you are, touch people's heart with your true self, your true kindness, & your real being... with it, everything lives in peace.
RH - September 17, 2017
Go with the wind, let life guide you, learn everyday, appreciate life, your being, & whom ever cross your path, as they always teach you something, & you do the same...
RH- August 18, 2017
When gratitude, faith & love touch your heart, your being, & your soul, every cell in your body feels it... you get shivers... & joyful blissful tears...
Be with it... embrace it... & live within
To love, gratitude & life!
RH- August 16, 2017
Seeing oneself liberated, in-depth, towards an ultimate eternity
RH June 4, 2017
Crossing the ocean is a very significant way to heal the emotion, going back to the roots emerge to be grounded, surrounded with childhood love, laughters, & support is a path to take & enforce the deep feelings for self.
RH - 28, July, 2017
Inspiration is my world, motivation is what I strive for, planting the seeds within you is what I'll teach you, believing in your powers is my way to serve you, living the magical life is what I thrive for, come along with me & I'll show you the way.
RH® July 26, 2017
Sailing, in the present moment on the rythme of love, powers to create wonders & magic.
Expectations found its way in & managed to drill holes allowing misery to come in.
The boat started sinking... it couldn't sail with expectations & misery, its only wind was flowing within the energy of love, moments and creations.
Choosing to save the ego first leaving Love behind to drown, was selfish...
Luckily & through the balancing waves, the strong current & wind, Love found its way back to the shore to embrace life again, open its arms to anything that comes its way.
Remember, Love overweights ego.
RH - July 20, 2017
Luckily & through the balancing waves, the strong current & wind, Love found its way back to the shore to embrace life again, open its arms to anything that comes its way.
Remember, Love overweights ego.
RH - July 20, 2017
Our present is our gift, live in its abundance & allow the energy to flow within and through out ourselves
BE, Present, Evolve, Grow & Live in Gratitude -
RH July 18, 2017
Thy Soul is your true guide, your multiple senses to receive & perceive information.
Be in its awareness & listen, as it is your only key to your true self, & your true path.
Messengers, synchronicities and signs come your way in reality, dreams & other forms to confirm every information.
Be in its grace, its gratitude, & love it, as it oversees & protects you from what ever not serving you in this lifetime.
RH - 7-7-17
Feeling an absolute bliss of liberation, a content within my cells, my body & my spirit. My higher spirit & my guardian angels stood firm with me today, to close a beautiful chapter of my life into opening new beginnings of life's mysteries, adventures, love, freedom, travels, projects, money & more!
Feeling blessed, being taken care of by God, I'm grateful!
Cheers to life... it is an absolute beauty!
RH - June 23, 2017
Love, Compassion & Gratitude always elevate your soul, your mind & body. Embrace yourself with these magnificent energies to be always protected.
God sends you signs, messages and Angels to empower you, listen, observe, & let the light of love protect you.
RH - 16 June, 2017
God always remind us of our eternal sparkling energy which is embedded in our soul.
We always tap into it, and sometimes we snap out of it...
Be-ing reminded through synchronicities of events, people showing up, people leaving, group discussions, people from the past, people from the present, messages, signs, in one day, empower us confirming our mission in this lifetime.
It is all an
affirmation that what ever comes our way, what ever stays and what ever
leaves, is happening for our own best interest...
The magic of this purity is letting go which is our eternal gift to stay present ...
The soul is always ready for it, while the heart and mind process its acceptance to step into the equanimity of life

When the energy of love feeds your soul, be with it, feel its depth, and let it flow as these moments of grace are our way to grow.
When the ego interfere, be in this awareness & show it who truly conquer.
RH - May 29, 2017
Let the light come through you to resonate in people's hearts.
RH May 27, 2017
Our moments are magical, our energies are contagious, and our life is majestic. Every present is gracious, elevating and blossoming. Let it Be, Forever...
RH 15-05-2017
When the music play, your body sway, it connects you to your soul & elevates your energy drawing a smile in all the cells of your body.
RH - May 1st, 2017
The magic of this purity is letting go which is our eternal gift to stay present ...
The soul is always ready for it, while the heart and mind process its acceptance to step into the equanimity of life

® 29-05-2017

When the energy of love feeds your soul, be with it, feel its depth, and let it flow as these moments of grace are our way to grow.
When the ego interfere, be in this awareness & show it who truly conquer.
RH - May 29, 2017
Let the light come through you to resonate in people's hearts.
RH May 27, 2017
Our moments are magical, our energies are contagious, and our life is majestic. Every present is gracious, elevating and blossoming. Let it Be, Forever...
RH 15-05-2017
When the music play, your body sway, it connects you to your soul & elevates your energy drawing a smile in all the cells of your body.
RH - May 1st, 2017
Life, is a delicious meal, prepared with organic ingredients, wrapped with love, and sent to you from the universe.
Before you open to taste, make sure to read the label.
It contains:
Pure love, freedom of being, respect to self, self-love, self-appreciation, worthiness, lots of happiness, full of positive moments, incredible synchronicities, and a strong intuition.
Make sure your label of life says the same, otherwise change it to BE IT!
Life is your present, live it truly and fully.
With my love to you!
RH 29-09-16
Creating love around the world begins by creating the love within you
Treat yourself, love yourself indulge yourself with what life has to offer, from its beauty, its magnificent place, feel it deep inside, love it and embrace it.
Love our surrounding, respect them and honor them, they are the mirror of your actions wanna see love be the love, you want to be respected, respect others, wanna see the world in a better place, start by your own space
My life is overflowing with gratitude and abundance, filled with an
amplitude impact of high conscious vibrations, lots of miraculous
adventures, positive challenges, incredible thrillers, and amazingly
good adrenaline rush. Life is your present, live it truly and fully.
With my love to you!
RH 29-09-16
Creating love around the world begins by creating the love within you
Treat yourself, love yourself indulge yourself with what life has to offer, from its beauty, its magnificent place, feel it deep inside, love it and embrace it.
Love our surrounding, respect them and honor them, they are the mirror of your actions wanna see love be the love, you want to be respected, respect others, wanna see the world in a better place, start by your own space
From self to the other, from the other to more, and from more to the world.
RH - April 2, 2016
Bridging between the true soul and the body, engaging both in the present moment and in-joying the true being.
RH 22/2/2016
Powerful energies grow when togetherness becomes oneness!
May the power of being reach you, elevate you, and always nourish you!
The freedom of being alive - living in happiness without limitations, opening up to this universe to create all the beauties in your life for you.
Gratitude is what makes it happen-
Glow in your spirit, believe in your soul, follow your intuition, most of all Just BE!
February 14, 2016
RH - April 2, 2016
Bridging between the true soul and the body, engaging both in the present moment and in-joying the true being.
RH 22/2/2016
Powerful energies grow when togetherness becomes oneness!
May the power of being reach you, elevate you, and always nourish you!
The freedom of being alive - living in happiness without limitations, opening up to this universe to create all the beauties in your life for you.
Gratitude is what makes it happen-
Glow in your spirit, believe in your soul, follow your intuition, most of all Just BE!
February 14, 2016
My enthusiastic inner child is always alive as I'm embodied with happiness, ecstasy, orgasms, and aha moments.
Being & breathing, are creating my blissful world, I'm gratefully alive!
Part of my mission on the planet is manifesting multitude positive projects around the world which is leading to lots of travels and infinite discoveries!
Surrounded by my love, my family, my friends and the people that support, love, and follow the belief of a better positive today, Together we are the change!
To a cheerful, happy, ecstatic year!
Let it be!
Happy harvesting 2017!
RH - December 31, 2016 Let it be!
Happy harvesting 2017!
I Am grateful for a lifetime of true love, a powerful marriage grown purely through respect, honesty & trust within my family.
Creations sparkling with synchronicity, building a home, attracting the energy of money and appreciating all in peace.
A life of love, green environment, beautiful nature, clean oceans, happiness, positivity and travel discoveries!
Cheers to a lifetime of love, beliefs and gratitude
This is my book of life!
Happy all coming years, 2016 onward!
RH - December 30, 2015
Divine Embrace to Create & Enrich Magnificent Beliefs Everywhere u R is what December is all about.
Celebrating Christmas and New Year happen in so many ways, joined with the Eid Mawlid-an-Nabawi-al-Charif & Hanukah, more Miracles happen when we start believing in the good, the better and the best.
What's for the Good is that Life has been given to us for granted, earth has been given to us for granted.
God created all this for us to love, cherish, connect and appreciate every part of it-
Breathing is a gift, Better to create the right environment for it.
Being alive is a gift, Best is to keep feeding it spiritually, organically and positively.
My wish to myself, yourselves and every being, is to reconnect within, see the beauty inside and radiate to the outside- for the world to change positively, it starts within.
Happy transformational years to all of you!
Happy Hanukah, Eid Mawlid-an-Nabawi-al-Charif the Birth of the Prophet Mohammad, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016!
RH - December 24, 2015
The power of being, ask neutrally and you shall receive magnificently - RH October 27, 2015
Create, lead & blossom always starts from within by following your inner intuition.
Live in your own presence and listen, your magic is already shining & reaching around - RH 29-09-2015
Being truthful empowers your being, always take the lead in speaking your voice, your honesty, with no hesitation- you will be far more respected -
RH September 16, 2015
We are abundance, we are love, we are a magnificent creation, we are a bond - a radiating magnet attracting the beautiful powers around you to raw create - it is within- all you need is listen.
RH June 23, 2015
Magical moments happen - we create our desires, our path, and our way of being - just Be - Always Present - the magnet of reception for all the Positivity - Love - and Harmony around you!RH
June 17, 2015
My Body, Spirit and Mind are all Aligned - RH
April 29-2015
Believe in yourself to achieve the ultimate truth of you - create your world with your thoughts, confidence and positivity. You are exactly what you should be in this lifetime! RH
April, 20, 2015
Master your own life, design your own path, & love yourself - you are the creator, God is within you-RH
April 17, 2015
We always say: "You never know when the time is right but in reality, it is always the right time" RH -
April 1, 2015
The truth about you, and the soul you are, grow magically by being in the moment and living in its flow. Stay open for discoveries within you as you will be amazed of who you truly are. RH
February 17, 2015
Magic, is my description for life.
Sparkling, is is how I see life.
Courageous, is how I want to live my life! RH
January 18, 2015
Embrace the power of universe, feel its beauty in your veins and its power all within. This lights up your heart, fills it with love and lifts you all the way to heaven - Be fearless, trustful and confident, always- RH
January 18, 2015
I live in Harmony, Peace and Love from within, I'm so grateful! - RH
January 15 - 2015
Never count your days as they are too many, live in its moments as they are priceless - RH
December 31-2014
Life is a present, the collection of your desires and beliefs. It is both, the gift and the now moment.
Benefit from what it has to offer & make sure to always fill your presents with positive and beautiful thoughts, so when you live it, you'll feel in heaven -RH
December 14-2014
December 9-2014
Surround yourself with people who believe in you, encourage
you, and walk the path with you – never accept to change your beliefs for the
happiness of others, and yes, you should put yourself first, as when you
radiate, your light will shine on others – RH
December 9-2014
Creating your home comes by building the happiness together.
Happiness is merging your believes together. It’s all about accepting each
other, trusting each other, and radiating the love you’re making to shine upon all
others – RH
December 9-2014
When you connect, connect from the heart
When you respect, respect heart to heart
When you grief, grief from the heart
Always create the energy heart to heart to feel, connect, and embrace the power you both are sharing. Believing in the energy and the soul will break all the differences, even at extremes- move forward step by step and meet half way -RH
November 26, 2014
Waking up with an intention manifest in your creation; I am confident, I am capable, I am strong, I am powerful, I am lovable, I am smart, I am happy, I am grateful-RH
November 26, 2014
For time to be your ally you need to take the bull from his horn and not wait for the train to pick you up - RH
March 16, 2014
My eyes are drawing you, I'm inhaling your smell, tasting your charm & challenging your thoughts, you are within is time to be born - RH
September 19, 2013
The true meaning of you is the soul within you-your look can change,your behavior can fluctuate, your actions can be crazy but the real you will always be the same-RH
Stepping back into your past brings up wonderful memories, enriching you today, reminding you of the youth, the risks, and the wild craziness you had - Always remind yourself of you who were & not only who you became - RH
September 3, 2013
Embrace the heart, open up to life discoveries
by living the moment & engaging in its fullness...A beautiful
adventure is yet to be born through uncovering the mysteries behind the
closed door! -RH
August 20-2013
Never envy others on or for what they have, search deep within you, cause what you own is more precious – it is called life – RH
May 20, 2013
The universe paints our mysterious
life canvas in multiple shapes; how we perceive it materialize its exquisiteness
and perfection. Life is simply ours to unfold, ask for what you desire & it
will find you – RH
May 6, 2013
Good memories carries you back to
life, empowering the moment and pushing your success forward. Bad habits and
memories keep you down in a hole, dragging out take a long time, Deciding has
the full power to jump- RH
6- 2013
Engaging your fullness to the
power of now flies you out of the misery you drawn yourself into, always look
at the light, as it will always shine your way- RH
6- 2013
Believing in your powers can
change the world, start from within to project this energy inside out, and mark
your presence in every person's heart- RH
6- 2013
Climbing the stairs may take months;
reaching the objectives will erase the toughness of the process and will
provide forever satisfaction. Always have an objective and climb upon the
rocks, the bumpy roads and any obstacle as your desires are near, reaching them
will erupt your soul with powers- RH
6- 2013
Remembering your real self with
your real energy put together the person you are, never erase that memory of
you, stay connected to the life as is, live in its magic and trash the negative,
as only you will benefit at the end - RH
6- 2013
Love means total devotion,
sharing the ideal commitment with your soul mate, embracing the power of two to
shape a sparkling lifetime filled with showering desires, glittering moments,
and forever aphrodisiacs-RH
6- 2013
Even with this extreme cold, you always know how to warm me with your heart, melting to embrace me & forever holding me inside covering us with blankets of Love- RH
January 25-2013 (Montreal Temperature minus 40)
Le temps d’habitude passe très vite, avec toi, le moment est présent, mais
sans toi, ça ne passe jamais- RH
Janvier –
2- 2013
"Red, is the color of the heart, presents, are for all the magnificent life surprises, a tree, is for our lifetime, and a star, is our wish for a miracle.
My wish for you this Christmas is to embrace your loved ones, heal every person's heart, spirit and emotions, to build a roof upon each needy, bring them food, health, and warmth. For a miracle to bring peace over the world, to live in harmony together without any judgments, hatred, envyness and ego.
It is a holy night, make a wish for God, and through Santa, and under your tree, you will find it.
Merry Christmas!" -RH
December 25-2012
«Rouge est la couleur du coeur, cadeaux, sont pour toutes les magnifiques surprises de la vie, l'arbre, décris notre vie, et l'étoile, c'est notre souhait d'un miracle.
Mon souhait pour vous ce Noël est d'embrasser vos proches, de guérir le cœur de chaque personne autour, son esprit et ses émotions, de construire un toit à chaque besoin, leur apporter de la nourriture, de la santé et de la chaleur. Pour un miracle pour ramener la paix dans le monde, de vivre ensemble en harmonie, sans aucun jugement, haine, envier et ego.
C'est une nuit sainte, faites un voeu à Dieu, puis a travers le Père Noël, et sous votre arbre, vous le trouverez.
Joyeux Noël! " -RH
December 25-2012
My gift is having you in my life, looking over me, watching me, caring for me. This present is eternal, and you'll always be in my heart empowering my beliefs, walking me the roads, and opening up my opportunities, as only in You I believe-RH
December 16-2012
December 16-2012
Problems and issues covering your
life, only one will share them with you to support you and blossom the flowers
of love, removing the petals of suffering and empowering its pollen to conceive
wonders - RH
December 16-2012
Trust is a small word with a huge
impact, it is engraved deep inside, grounding its roots to enable the
foundation of you and I, together - RH
December 16-2012
No one can change the world, but
you and I did, no one can break the rules, we broke most by creating our own, believing
in us it is when our new world is born-RH
December 16-2012
La création splendide de l'amour s'améliore en acceptant l'un l'autre,
construire la passion de vie s'enrichit en se respectant, seul la mort le
sépare, que dieux nous amène à l'éternité-RH
December 15-2012
Aching for your breath, your love and your presence, your spirit surrounds me and brings my life back to eternity, show me the way to love you so we create wonders, together - RH
December 9, 2012
My heart is empty
and asking for your presence, sometimes we take long roads to get to short
distance, ours was short, but then distance took us apart - RH
December 8, 2012
The bond only lasted few days which draw the way to a far away, the magic, was how euphoric it made you, the saddening, is not believing in its power - RH
November 27, 2012
Strange how someone can forget
the world in your presence, leaves everything behind for your company, &
creates magical surprises for you, crafting smiles which last forever, then,
forever ends - RH
November 26, 2012
Typing those striking letters,
conceiving perfect sentences and marking your wisdoms into impeccable thoughts,
are creating your world of desire, pointing to the universe your genuine aspiration
to be born with its vitality – RH
Around you tons to satisfy your eyes, but only one to savor your heart, surrounded by hundreds murmuring words, but only one will serve you the world - RH
The heart beats on the rhythm of
love, two in love writes the melody of Us and the door of eternal joy
opens to a gratifying life. If one is broken that door closes and once closed,
it is closed forever - RH
In the crowed you manage to
shine, bursting your spirit all over the place, sending your soul straight to
my heart, and whispering… show me the way to dance on the rhythm of us - RH
I stole your words as I stole
your heart, pumping within mine engraved this majestic energy and an everlasting
smile - RH
Lovely how you embrace me softly,
taking your breath away, whispering in your ears my ocean breeze, and cooking
slowly eternal passionate emotions -RH
Life is a mystery; you did
discover it with me by uncovering your buried soul and bringing it back to
life - RH
10-11-12Uncovering the mystery being the private splendid fireworks in someone's life, converts you into living in its sparkles which burst into many discoveries to fall for-RH
Chances in life are conveyed in many shapes and various ways; never miss any, as these are irreplaceable. Listen to your heart, open up your spirit and embrace the one in front of you, as what you hold today can last with you forever - RH
November 2-2012
Past, pride and stubbornness build
up a wall, which blocks the marvelous bright and blinds you from seeing the exquisiteness
of the other world. Uncover to discover the real you, believe in your senses to
shape your fabulous present and strengthen your future - RH
November 1-2012
Words are vague, a person can
write a thousand but only the action counts-RH
October 27-2012
A relation starts with two and
ends with two, the unfairness is to receive a note without being part of it and
not having the freedom to agreeing either to pursue or to brake it. -RH
October 27-2012
We meet thousands of individuals
daily, but when the heart beats for one, it is only fair and rational to
embrace and jump in a leap of faith to discover the uncovered. -RH
October 27-2012
A cuddle is the most passionate
sign of embracing a dear one tenderly, a touch creates the splendid fireworks and
a kiss sparkles your life forever. Always embrace your loved ones, make them
feel you are close by and always around even if you are, far - RH
October 19-2012
Communications and deep talks
enrich your relation, it keeps it alive during hard times, where that voice
gets injected intensely in the ear and is perfectly engraved in sharing the
real thoughts of the other. Always communicate about your inner sentiments, to
keep the relation growing and glowing - RH
October 19-2012
Never leave a person you care
about behind, as walking right beside each other creates and carves the
connection which will always enlighten your road forever-RH
October 19-2012
A world of love is the commitment
of a magnificent connection, it is a promise of glittering sparkles, feelings and
passion which is never meant to be broken, Ever -RH
October 19-2012
Relationships dive in multiple
directions day after day; the bonding brings you closer during difficult days,
which keeps your path glowing all days- RH
October 19-2012
On this gloomy day, only a smile
will bring the sunlight, smiling inside out will magnify your life as nothing
is worth crying for-RH
October 19-2012
You make my heart trembles, my
body shivers just by sensing your soft kissing and your hand touching mine-RH
October 4-2012
Is this love, or is this a dream,
where am I flying to, and where is my destination, are we sailing together, flying
together or am I going to be solo during this adventurous trip-RH
October 4-2012
Am I really falling in love with
the lovely spirit of yours, the soul which fills you, and the energy which
surrounds you, or is it just because of you-RH
October 4-2012
When I look into your eyes my
heart beats for you, can you keep on looking into mine so I don't die-RH
October 3-2012
Nous nous sommes retrouvés dans une même âme et même esprit, on est tombé
amoureux avec l'énergie émouvante qui nous élève et enrichit notre vie -RH
Octobre 3-2012
Octobre 3-2012
In this moment, I want to be in
your arms, embracing your charm and loving your smile, taken by your spirit
always, and fly me higher somewhere in the firmament- RH
October 3-2012
My time freezes when I'm in your arms, your charm, your eyes, your sweet smile all together embrace me warmly-RH
September 22 -2012
September 22 -2012
A life can transform in a second,
that second belongs to you, switch, light up & embrace the power of the
universe, you never know what is hiding for you. Believe in it & you'll be
created with its energy - RH
September 21-2012
Building the stones of the perfect relationship recipe is cooked with four basic ingredients: 100% Respect, two way Communication, full Trust & and a pure transparent Honesty – RH
September 18-2012
A breath of
love is what I'm seeking for, a touch of the heart is my boost of life, and a
perfect smile is my true eternity - RH
August 26-2012
We all have a perfect life if we
believe to live, to cherish the moments and to embrace the positive qualities
in others. Look at your life, be thankful and try to see it through the perfect
moments hidden by the wall of sadness you built-RH
August 26-2012
It is always about life, love, passion,
emotions and energy. Followed by the soul, the spirit and the eternity. But
definitely followed by the person who completes me, creating the family, and
enjoying each second -RH
August 26-2012
I ask the universe to surprise me
with your presence, to have you around and know that you are my mate. I feel it
is true, I want to believe it is true, can you at least hear my voice calling
August 26-2012
August 26-2012
Strange how you stimulate my senses where every single nerve in my body grows enthusiastic upon looking into your eyes, my whole body and spirit soar and definitely my heart beats excessively-RH
August 18-2012
White is purity, light guides us
through our path whereas sparkle shines through us. Smile, engage, and fascinate
the planet, be yourself to appreciate life - RH
August 17-2012
My smile is contagious, my look is glamorous, and my passion is desirable. Always charm the universe with your laugh, your soft vitality, your high spirit and mostly your pure honesty - RH
August 13-2012
Your wide green
eyes always sparkle when looking into mine allowing your inner smile to jump
out drawing those cute dimples, smelling my scent, holding my hand, sails us back
to many exquisite memories - RH
August 9-2012
How easy it is for people to suck
up your positive energy and nurture themselves, building the negative around
you, keep your eyes and heart open spread the energy only to the ones who
deserve it -RH
August 9-2012
Your closeness warms me in my
loneliness, your spirit inspires me when I'm far, is it the charm, is it
the love or is it the energy, which illuminates your ora, and embrace me softly
- RH
August 5-2012
How hard it is to feel your
presence knowing you are way far from being present, traveling to escape love
is never a lovely present-RH
August 1-2012
I have you in my heart, I hold
you in my spirit, you always chase me in my dreams whereas I look for you in my
realm, will you ever be real-RH
May 24-2012
Back to my dreams, back to my
reality, you came in by surprise, stood me still wondering what’s around,
trembling my body just by feeling my reflection in your eyes, with your charm
and energy you spread a message of your eternal presence - RH
May 21- 2012
You surprise me with your smile, you charm me with your presence, my heart beats faster and my body shivers upon sensing your deep contemplation of my sparkling dazzle appearance– RH
May 20- 2012
My eyes ask for your presence, my
heart trembles at your spirit, your shy embrace and slight hidden kiss drives
my soul to a higher level and fly around searching for you...when will we be
united again-RH
May 12- 2012
Growing is glowing, aging is maturing, year over year you conceive
experiences and knowledge which burst into the birth of your creation
May 7-2012I feel your presence, as you stimulate my senses, I know you are around hovering above, protecting me and caring for my life. Only if I can see you I would hold you tight and never let you travel again - RH
May 6- 2012
You are so handsome, charming and lovable, your so full in your beauty, I wait impatiently to see your face to breath from your full light & embrace you passionately - RH
May 5- 2012
Failing is never giving up; on the contrary, it is injecting the strength to climb up again and succeed. Learn from your failures and mistakes. Always maintain a focus on your path, be positive and keep walking. Your passion is your drive, your success, which leads to your victory - RH
May 2- 2012
Escaping in my thoughts, feelings & becoming part of the universe & nature, gives always the warmth feeling of belonging & takes me far from all the hatred, stress & negativity around. Always take the time for you, escape in your reflections, take the deep positivity, the relieving breath & dream high - RH
April 19 - 2012
April 13 - 2012
Cooking is a creativeness. Writing is an inspiration. Mixing both marks a devotion of Love - RHApril 10 - 2012
Family is the creation of two in harmony, respect and love. Conceiving affections and emotions within, and building a more concrete relation will flourish one generation after the other. Create your family; live in its affection, purity and transparency - RH
April 6 - 2012
April 4 - 2012
April 1 - 2012
March 8 - 2012
March 29 - 2012
March 24 - 2012
March 13 - 2012
March 12 - 2012
March 12 - 2012
March 8 - 2012
March 8 - 2012
March 7 - 2012
February 25 - 2012
February 25 - 2012
February 25 - 2012
February 21 - 2012
February 19 - 2012
February 6 – 2012
February 5 – 2012
February 3 - 2012
January 26 - 2012
January 24 - 2012
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